For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the
mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into
singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
Another month has flown by. Autumn is well underway here in New York...
mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into
singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
Another month has flown by. Autumn is well underway here in New York...
Watching from my prison cell's window, I can see the woods beyond the walls, and the crowns of the trees. Their leaves now displayed with varying shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. While one tree, "Big Red," has chosen not to conform to the crowd. He stands alone in his uniqueness. Big Red is obviously not a team player. I think he's a big showoff, proud to be dressed all in vibrant red.
While the crows appear to be busier than usual, I've been watching as they fly continuously in and out of the crowns of the trees, apparently happy to still have their favorite hiding places amongst leaves that are yet to fall. Squawking loudly, maybe it's their mating season?
At the same time, I've been seeing periodic flights of geese flying in near perfect formations overhead, obviously headed south for the winter. Like the crows, they can be noisy. Honking as they go, maybe the geese want everyone to take notice? It's as if they're saying, "Look at us. Florida, here we come. Honk! Honk!"
Indeed, the trees of the Catskills clap their hands as flocks of wild birds sing in gratitude of their Creator.
I consider it a privilege to watch it all.
While the crows appear to be busier than usual, I've been watching as they fly continuously in and out of the crowns of the trees, apparently happy to still have their favorite hiding places amongst leaves that are yet to fall. Squawking loudly, maybe it's their mating season?
At the same time, I've been seeing periodic flights of geese flying in near perfect formations overhead, obviously headed south for the winter. Like the crows, they can be noisy. Honking as they go, maybe the geese want everyone to take notice? It's as if they're saying, "Look at us. Florida, here we come. Honk! Honk!"
Indeed, the trees of the Catskills clap their hands as flocks of wild birds sing in gratitude of their Creator.
I consider it a privilege to watch it all.