And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, "Speak unto
the children of Israel, saying, in the Seventh month, in
the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a
memorial blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation."
Leviticus 23:23-24
0h, my people, Israel! How I pray you would awaken from your slumber, that the veil of ignorance of the Scriptures be removed from your eyes.
the children of Israel, saying, in the Seventh month, in
the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a
memorial blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation."
Leviticus 23:23-24
0h, my people, Israel! How I pray you would awaken from your slumber, that the veil of ignorance of the Scriptures be removed from your eyes.
Another Rosh Hashanah is here, the Jewish New Year, which is getting ready to begin at sundown. As trumpets/shofars are sounded throughout the earth wherever Jewish people are gathered, the blasts of these horns are actually precursors for what is yet to come, when in the future, the glorious trumpet of the Almighty will make its sound. Its blast will herald in a special time of judgment for those who will be dwelling upon the earth at this time.
While, for a different group, this heavenly trumpet will announce the time for the departure of those who are already members of the "bride of the Messiah." This being a universal fellowship of both Jews and Gentiles who have already placed their faith in Him.
In an instant, perhaps on a future Rosh Hashanah, although no one could know the day for sure, the Shofar of Heaven will sound, and a shout will be made by the Lord himself, and His bride of millions will depart into the clouds to meet Him in the air (Thessalonians 4:13-18).
I hope to be included in this.
However, concerning those who will be left behind after this mysterious and sudden earth-changing event takes place, there will still be hope. But it will mean having to deal with the one whom the Bible refers to as the "Man of Sin," and the "Son of Perdition," plus a host of other names. It will also mean seeing the person who will be known, biblically, as the "false prophet."
According to Revelation chapter thirteen, the false prophet will be a man who appears as a peaceful lamb on the outside - perhaps oftentimes seen wearing white clothing - but is really a lion on the inside. Woe to those who will be alive to see and hear these two diabolical individuals as they talk and walk among humanity. But many who remain on the earth will be able to call upon the One true Savior in order to obtain forgiveness as well as help during a very difficult time. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).
While, for a different group, this heavenly trumpet will announce the time for the departure of those who are already members of the "bride of the Messiah." This being a universal fellowship of both Jews and Gentiles who have already placed their faith in Him.
In an instant, perhaps on a future Rosh Hashanah, although no one could know the day for sure, the Shofar of Heaven will sound, and a shout will be made by the Lord himself, and His bride of millions will depart into the clouds to meet Him in the air (Thessalonians 4:13-18).
I hope to be included in this.
However, concerning those who will be left behind after this mysterious and sudden earth-changing event takes place, there will still be hope. But it will mean having to deal with the one whom the Bible refers to as the "Man of Sin," and the "Son of Perdition," plus a host of other names. It will also mean seeing the person who will be known, biblically, as the "false prophet."
According to Revelation chapter thirteen, the false prophet will be a man who appears as a peaceful lamb on the outside - perhaps oftentimes seen wearing white clothing - but is really a lion on the inside. Woe to those who will be alive to see and hear these two diabolical individuals as they talk and walk among humanity. But many who remain on the earth will be able to call upon the One true Savior in order to obtain forgiveness as well as help during a very difficult time. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).