When you said, "Seek My face," my heart
said to You, "Your face, Lord, will I seek."
Psalm 27:8 KJV
One day, there will be a new world in which there shall no longer be any sin, sickness or crime...
said to You, "Your face, Lord, will I seek."
Psalm 27:8 KJV
One day, there will be a new world in which there shall no longer be any sin, sickness or crime...
It will be a world where redemption has triumphed over judgment, and all forms of demonic wickedness, and the evil that dwells in the hearts of men, will be eradicated. For the Messiah of Israel, who is also the Savior of the Gentile nations, will reign supreme from His throne in the city of Jerusalem. And the earth will be restored to the paradise it once was.
But until this day comes, I have to live in a world which knows more about darkness than light, who follows the ways of the devil, whom Jesus calls the "Prince of this world," rather than the Lord Himself, whom the Bible says is the "Prince of Peace."*
Yet by God's mercy, which I never deserved and never will, He has allowed me to know Him as my "heavenly Father," and to trust in Him, the Creator of the universe, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. How blessed I am!
Nevertheless, I want to know God even more, and with a deeper level of intimacy than I am experiencing now. My goal is to seek the face of the Lord continually. And as His child, I can, most assuredly, come boldly to His "Throne of Grace." I can share my heart with Him as well as voice my desires and my complaints. Best of all, I can tell my King how much I love Him. "Your Face, Lord, will I seek."
*Scripture Notes:
In John 14:30 and John 16:11, the Lord Jesus calls Satan the "prince of this world." I believe this indicates that during our present period of human history, the Devil has been allowed to exercise a limited but very real level of influence and authority upon the lives of men, and within the world's governments and nations. And John 16:11, in addition to many other Scripture passages, reveals that the day will come when Satan will be judged and then punished for the evil he has done, and for all the lives that both he and his demons have destroyed.
Meanwhile, however, the Old Testament book of Isaiah the prophet reveals that one of the titles for Israel's Messiah in the "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6-7). This passage also states that the Messiah, when His kingdom is established on the earth, will rule the nations with justice and compassion, forever.
But until this day comes, I have to live in a world which knows more about darkness than light, who follows the ways of the devil, whom Jesus calls the "Prince of this world," rather than the Lord Himself, whom the Bible says is the "Prince of Peace."*
Yet by God's mercy, which I never deserved and never will, He has allowed me to know Him as my "heavenly Father," and to trust in Him, the Creator of the universe, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. How blessed I am!
Nevertheless, I want to know God even more, and with a deeper level of intimacy than I am experiencing now. My goal is to seek the face of the Lord continually. And as His child, I can, most assuredly, come boldly to His "Throne of Grace." I can share my heart with Him as well as voice my desires and my complaints. Best of all, I can tell my King how much I love Him. "Your Face, Lord, will I seek."
*Scripture Notes:
In John 14:30 and John 16:11, the Lord Jesus calls Satan the "prince of this world." I believe this indicates that during our present period of human history, the Devil has been allowed to exercise a limited but very real level of influence and authority upon the lives of men, and within the world's governments and nations. And John 16:11, in addition to many other Scripture passages, reveals that the day will come when Satan will be judged and then punished for the evil he has done, and for all the lives that both he and his demons have destroyed.
Meanwhile, however, the Old Testament book of Isaiah the prophet reveals that one of the titles for Israel's Messiah in the "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6-7). This passage also states that the Messiah, when His kingdom is established on the earth, will rule the nations with justice and compassion, forever.