Whoever comes to Me, I
will not reject or turn away.
John 6:37
On occasion, I will receive a letter from someone seeking to escape the clutches of the Devil...
will not reject or turn away.
John 6:37
On occasion, I will receive a letter from someone seeking to escape the clutches of the Devil...
They’ve gotten involved in the occult, or witchcraft, or in satanism, and they want out. So I am posting a portion of a recent letter I wrote to such a person. I hope that by doing so, I can help someone else who’s in a similar situation.
“I want you to know that I’m praying for you. In the Scriptures, God lets the reader know
that His Word is a lamp for our feet, and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). It will help
us to navigate life. It helps me to make the right choices, too. And if you have faith in what
is written within its pages, it will do the same for you... You asked how I found God. Well
it was the other way around. He found me. If not for Christ’s divine intervention, I believe
Satan would have taken both my life and my soul...
“Yes, please get rid of your copy of the Satanic Bible. The Devil is lying to you by telling you
to forget about God and that God wants nothing to do with you since you once served Him
and then went astray. It’s not true. Even at this very moment, Jesus is standing before you
with arms wide open. He’s calling your name and beckoning you to come to Him. Jesus loves
you. He loves you so much that He willingly paid the price for all your sins with His own blood...
“In answer to your question, the way I know that God has already forgiven you, the Bible
declares it so. In the New Testament book of Romans, chapter 10, verse 13, it states that
whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. While the Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse
16 says that God so loved humanity that He gave His only Son - the Lord Jesus Christ -
that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but will have the gift of eternal life...
“Please stay in touch. I want to know how things are going for you...”
“I want you to know that I’m praying for you. In the Scriptures, God lets the reader know
that His Word is a lamp for our feet, and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). It will help
us to navigate life. It helps me to make the right choices, too. And if you have faith in what
is written within its pages, it will do the same for you... You asked how I found God. Well
it was the other way around. He found me. If not for Christ’s divine intervention, I believe
Satan would have taken both my life and my soul...
“Yes, please get rid of your copy of the Satanic Bible. The Devil is lying to you by telling you
to forget about God and that God wants nothing to do with you since you once served Him
and then went astray. It’s not true. Even at this very moment, Jesus is standing before you
with arms wide open. He’s calling your name and beckoning you to come to Him. Jesus loves
you. He loves you so much that He willingly paid the price for all your sins with His own blood...
“In answer to your question, the way I know that God has already forgiven you, the Bible
declares it so. In the New Testament book of Romans, chapter 10, verse 13, it states that
whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved. While the Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse
16 says that God so loved humanity that He gave His only Son - the Lord Jesus Christ -
that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but will have the gift of eternal life...
“Please stay in touch. I want to know how things are going for you...”