Some evenings when I don’t have a Bible study or veterans meeting to attend, I will go outdoors to the recreation yard for fresh air and exercise...
I love to walk, and the yard is open until 10 P.M.
So last night I went outside and was walking for about 30 minutes when the high-intensity security lights, which illuminate every inch of the yard, suddenly went out. An unexpected power failure that left me in pitched blackness. The guards ordered everyone to go back inside and return to our housing units. In fact, it was so dark that I could barely see those around me.
The outage, which only affected the yard, brought an abrupt end to my recreation time as my fellow prisoners and I were herded out of it. Lights out means yard closed!
So last night I went outside and was walking for about 30 minutes when the high-intensity security lights, which illuminate every inch of the yard, suddenly went out. An unexpected power failure that left me in pitched blackness. The guards ordered everyone to go back inside and return to our housing units. In fact, it was so dark that I could barely see those around me.
The outage, which only affected the yard, brought an abrupt end to my recreation time as my fellow prisoners and I were herded out of it. Lights out means yard closed!