Today I wrote a letter to a friend who lives in Ghana, West Africa...
He and I have been corresponding for many years. He pastors a church in the village in the northern part of the country.
In my letter, I included my usual greetings to both his family and the church. And I also included a message of encouragement from the Scriptures that he will read to everyone in the congregation.
I spoke about God's faithful servant, Job. How Job went through a series of devastating trials, all of them coming one after another. And while Job did not understand why so much loss and heartache had come his way, he never lost his trust in the Lord.
Job cried and complained. He pleaded to God for answers, yet heaven remained silent. Yet in spite of it all, Job never wavered in his faith. And how we who are in Christ need to have the same attitude. That whenever an intense trial comes our way, we would remain firm in our faith, trusting the Lord even when the situation seems to make no sense.
I ended the message by stating that when we refuse to let go of our faith, we will come out of the trial with an even stronger faith, as was the case with Job. He came through it like pure gold
(Job 23:10).
In my letter, I included my usual greetings to both his family and the church. And I also included a message of encouragement from the Scriptures that he will read to everyone in the congregation.
I spoke about God's faithful servant, Job. How Job went through a series of devastating trials, all of them coming one after another. And while Job did not understand why so much loss and heartache had come his way, he never lost his trust in the Lord.
Job cried and complained. He pleaded to God for answers, yet heaven remained silent. Yet in spite of it all, Job never wavered in his faith. And how we who are in Christ need to have the same attitude. That whenever an intense trial comes our way, we would remain firm in our faith, trusting the Lord even when the situation seems to make no sense.
I ended the message by stating that when we refuse to let go of our faith, we will come out of the trial with an even stronger faith, as was the case with Job. He came through it like pure gold
(Job 23:10).