But God has demonstrated His love toward us, in
that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Yesterday, in church, I reminded the men that because we are now members of God's family...
that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Yesterday, in church, I reminded the men that because we are now members of God's family...
...through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we're no different in God's sight from our fellow believers who attend church on the outside. That God loves us the same and has not banned us from His kingdom. And what a joyous truth this is, to know with certainty that we have been redeemed by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus, have been adopted into God's family, and we are now citizens of heaven.
What love is this, I asked them. "We're forgiven felons," I declared. How grateful we should be, I told them, that the Lord has not rejected us, and He never will.
What love is this, I asked them. "We're forgiven felons," I declared. How grateful we should be, I told them, that the Lord has not rejected us, and He never will.