I've been telling some of my fellow prisoners who believe in Christ that there are times in our lives when we're going to be afflicted and challenged by what I would call, for want of a better term, "The Four D's"...
These are Doubt, Disappointment, Discouragement, and the Devil. At times, for example, I'd find myself becoming discouraged by certain things, be it in my life or by what may be going on around me. While at other times I may be disappointed by the outcome of something, etc. Then there's the Devil himself, who's very good at penetrating through my spiritual armor on occasion. Thoughts would suddenly pop into my head that my life is a waste and my service to God is accomplishing nothing. And should I begin to entertain such thoughts, I'd start to doubt the Lord and His goodness. I'd begin to lose my peace, too.
Thankfully, however, these negative thoughts and beliefs do not last very long because I am learning to better recognize what they are and where they originate from. They don't come from Jesus! Instead, it's here that the Word of God starts to flash in my mind as I begin to recall His precious promises. As the Scripture says, "For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89).
God's words are settled and secure, forever. It's a done deal! His promises cannot fail. And it is through Him that I have the victory over all negative thoughts and influences. The "The Four D's," as I like to call them, have no lasting power. Praise the Lord!
In reality, my labor for the Lord is not in vain. It's not a "waste of time" as Satan would have me to believe. Rather, there's a huge harvest of good fruit awaiting me as I refuse to grow weary and give up (Galatians 6:9).
Thankfully, however, these negative thoughts and beliefs do not last very long because I am learning to better recognize what they are and where they originate from. They don't come from Jesus! Instead, it's here that the Word of God starts to flash in my mind as I begin to recall His precious promises. As the Scripture says, "For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89).
God's words are settled and secure, forever. It's a done deal! His promises cannot fail. And it is through Him that I have the victory over all negative thoughts and influences. The "The Four D's," as I like to call them, have no lasting power. Praise the Lord!
In reality, my labor for the Lord is not in vain. It's not a "waste of time" as Satan would have me to believe. Rather, there's a huge harvest of good fruit awaiting me as I refuse to grow weary and give up (Galatians 6:9).