People have asked me how I spent Thanksgiving, which was on the 23rd of the month...
It was uneventful. There were no celebrations, nor was there a service in the chapel.
The institutional meal was bland. It consisted of processed turkey which had no resemblance to turkey, and it didn't taste like it either, but I wasn't unthankful. Having food to eat and a roof over my head is a blessing, even for a resident of a correctional facility. So I'm not going to complain.
As for holidays, to include birthdays, there is little to no celebrating here. And this has been true
for all the facilities I've been confined to over the years. However, sometimes a few guys may get together and prepare a simple meal, usually instant rice and canned beans. They might exchange some sweets as well, like a package of cookies or a few Little Debbie cakes. Thanksgiving is just another day in prison.
The institutional meal was bland. It consisted of processed turkey which had no resemblance to turkey, and it didn't taste like it either, but I wasn't unthankful. Having food to eat and a roof over my head is a blessing, even for a resident of a correctional facility. So I'm not going to complain.
As for holidays, to include birthdays, there is little to no celebrating here. And this has been true
for all the facilities I've been confined to over the years. However, sometimes a few guys may get together and prepare a simple meal, usually instant rice and canned beans. They might exchange some sweets as well, like a package of cookies or a few Little Debbie cakes. Thanksgiving is just another day in prison.