Come and see what our God has
done, what awesome miracles
He does for His people.
Psalm 66:5 NLT
Because we're on what is called a "limited program schedule" due to the long Thanksgiving weekend...
done, what awesome miracles
He does for His people.
Psalm 66:5 NLT
Because we're on what is called a "limited program schedule" due to the long Thanksgiving weekend...
I walked around the yard's perimeter for a while with a friend from church. Then I got chosen into a basketball game with five other men. We played three against three, and I didn't do very well. I got winded quickly, as it has been a long time since I played any fast-moving sports games.
Several of these same guys would occasionally attend chapel services. But I cannot say if any of them are truly born again, in that none have ever shown much interest in Christ. Nevertheless, it was fun playing with five younger men, and trying to keep up with them, which I could not do!
On a serious note, however, my heart aches when I come into contact with fellow inmates who either express no interest or only a casual interest in wanting to know God. In spite of the often told untruth that "Everyone finds religion in prison." the reality is that few do. Yet for those who become followers of the Lord, miracles happen for them. I see it all the time. God cares for those who love Him.
Several of these same guys would occasionally attend chapel services. But I cannot say if any of them are truly born again, in that none have ever shown much interest in Christ. Nevertheless, it was fun playing with five younger men, and trying to keep up with them, which I could not do!
On a serious note, however, my heart aches when I come into contact with fellow inmates who either express no interest or only a casual interest in wanting to know God. In spite of the often told untruth that "Everyone finds religion in prison." the reality is that few do. Yet for those who become followers of the Lord, miracles happen for them. I see it all the time. God cares for those who love Him.