Today's chapel service went smoothly. My assistant, brother Philip, helped me to do the Communion...
He and I served the bread (matzo) and wine (grape juice), the elements which for us represented the Lord's broken body, and His shed Blood. Then, one of the elders of our congregation, brother Richard, gave the sermon. In addition, our choir sang an array of praise and worship songs.
But before all these things occurred, I had to open the service by leading the congregation in prayer. And among the many needs we brought before God's throne of grace was a request for healing for one of our members who'd recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. We also prayed for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are at present suffering persecution in His Name.
Then, as our service came to a close, an altar call brought about 20 to 25 men forward to the front of the chapel where we provided prayers for salvation for those who wanted to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, as well as prayers for anyone who had another need. It was a good day.
But before all these things occurred, I had to open the service by leading the congregation in prayer. And among the many needs we brought before God's throne of grace was a request for healing for one of our members who'd recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. We also prayed for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are at present suffering persecution in His Name.
Then, as our service came to a close, an altar call brought about 20 to 25 men forward to the front of the chapel where we provided prayers for salvation for those who wanted to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, as well as prayers for anyone who had another need. It was a good day.