I know, from the chapel setting, how easy others find ways to put more work upon me...
...and place more responsibilities upon me, to a point where my spiritual and physical health is in jeopardy.
I've been through periods of burnout and exhaustion before. But as I have matured in Christ, I can better understand that much of this has been my fault. Oftentimes I don't know where to draw the line and put up reasonable boundaries.
I think that much of this comes from the fact that I have an unhealthy need to be liked and accepted by everyone. I have trouble dealing with rejection. So I overcompensate by saying too many yeses when I need to say more noes. And this has made me vulnerable to being used by well-meaning people who think it's their responsibility to get me to do more in the church, as if I don't already do enough!
But God has been patient with me. I'm seeing the situation more clearly now. I am learning to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to set my boundaries and show me my limitations. Really, many men, myself included, are guilty of falling into the "Superman Syndrome." We begin to think ourselves invincible. And we ultimately work ourselves to death instead.
Yet saying no and setting boundaries is still difficult for me; it's a challenge, indeed.
I've been through periods of burnout and exhaustion before. But as I have matured in Christ, I can better understand that much of this has been my fault. Oftentimes I don't know where to draw the line and put up reasonable boundaries.
I think that much of this comes from the fact that I have an unhealthy need to be liked and accepted by everyone. I have trouble dealing with rejection. So I overcompensate by saying too many yeses when I need to say more noes. And this has made me vulnerable to being used by well-meaning people who think it's their responsibility to get me to do more in the church, as if I don't already do enough!
But God has been patient with me. I'm seeing the situation more clearly now. I am learning to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to set my boundaries and show me my limitations. Really, many men, myself included, are guilty of falling into the "Superman Syndrome." We begin to think ourselves invincible. And we ultimately work ourselves to death instead.
Yet saying no and setting boundaries is still difficult for me; it's a challenge, indeed.