Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 33:12a
It's been said that people can imprison your body, but they cannot lock up your soul...
Psalm 33:12a
It's been said that people can imprison your body, but they cannot lock up your soul...
After experiencing several decades of incarceration, I could attest to this truth. While my body remains confined, my soul is free, and so is my story of redemption.
This was clearly proven when, back in the spring of 2012, the New York State Department of Correctional Services Central Office in Albany, received an email from a Kit Webb in the city of Suffolk, Virginia. Ms. Webb was inquiring if it would be possible for me to be allowed to attend the 28th Annual National Day of Prayer Leadership Breakfast that was scheduled to be held in her city on May 3, 2012.
According to Kit Webb's official request as the Chairperson for the event, a copy of which had been furnished to me by someone in the Commissioner's office in Albany, Ms. Webb and her staff were hoping to have me as their keynote speaker.
To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I was shocked. When questioned about the matter, I told the staff member at the prison that I had no idea who Kit Webb was, nor why she would select me for such a position.
Looking at the paperwork that was handed to me by the staff person, Suffolk's prayer breakfast would consist of "about 400 leaders" from the State of Virginia, to include local leaders within politics such as "Senators, Councilmen, the City's Mayor, business leaders, school board members, and leaders from the nation's, Joint Forces Military Command."
I asked myself, "Is this for real?" Yes, it was. And while the staff at the Department of Correctional
Services headquarters said I could not go down to Virginia to attend the prayer breakfast, they did allow me to produce a video with some of the members of the event. It was aired before an audience in the city's large armory.
As expected, the prayer breakfast was covered by the local news. Both the Suffolk News Herald and its sister newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot, published articles. The Suffolk News-Herald wrote, "Suffolk Celebrates Day of Prayer." While The Virginian-Pilot went with a bolder headline, "Serial Killer is Video Guest at Suffolk Prayer Event."
Only the Lord himself could do this. It was an honor for me to have been allowed to participate in such a thing. I witnessed a miracle. A city turned out to hear me speak and pray.
"Suffolk Celebrates Day of Prayer: David Berkowitz a Surprise Speaker,”
by R.E. Spears III, May 4, 2012,
"Serial Killer is Video Guest at Suffolk Prayer Event,”
by Linda McNatt, May 4, 2012,
This was clearly proven when, back in the spring of 2012, the New York State Department of Correctional Services Central Office in Albany, received an email from a Kit Webb in the city of Suffolk, Virginia. Ms. Webb was inquiring if it would be possible for me to be allowed to attend the 28th Annual National Day of Prayer Leadership Breakfast that was scheduled to be held in her city on May 3, 2012.
According to Kit Webb's official request as the Chairperson for the event, a copy of which had been furnished to me by someone in the Commissioner's office in Albany, Ms. Webb and her staff were hoping to have me as their keynote speaker.
To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I was shocked. When questioned about the matter, I told the staff member at the prison that I had no idea who Kit Webb was, nor why she would select me for such a position.
Looking at the paperwork that was handed to me by the staff person, Suffolk's prayer breakfast would consist of "about 400 leaders" from the State of Virginia, to include local leaders within politics such as "Senators, Councilmen, the City's Mayor, business leaders, school board members, and leaders from the nation's, Joint Forces Military Command."
I asked myself, "Is this for real?" Yes, it was. And while the staff at the Department of Correctional
Services headquarters said I could not go down to Virginia to attend the prayer breakfast, they did allow me to produce a video with some of the members of the event. It was aired before an audience in the city's large armory.
As expected, the prayer breakfast was covered by the local news. Both the Suffolk News Herald and its sister newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot, published articles. The Suffolk News-Herald wrote, "Suffolk Celebrates Day of Prayer." While The Virginian-Pilot went with a bolder headline, "Serial Killer is Video Guest at Suffolk Prayer Event."
Only the Lord himself could do this. It was an honor for me to have been allowed to participate in such a thing. I witnessed a miracle. A city turned out to hear me speak and pray.
"Suffolk Celebrates Day of Prayer: David Berkowitz a Surprise Speaker,”
by R.E. Spears III, May 4, 2012,
"Serial Killer is Video Guest at Suffolk Prayer Event,”
by Linda McNatt, May 4, 2012,