For by grace are ye saved by faith; and
that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God.
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Many know that jails and prisons are filled with men and women who committed their crimes while...
that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God.
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Many know that jails and prisons are filled with men and women who committed their crimes while...
...under the influence of alcohol, or some other narcotic, or their crimes were related to an addiction in that they robbed and stole to get money to support their habits.
But I believe that Jesus Christ can break the chains of addiction. He can and has set multitudes free from bondage of all kinds. For as long as we live in bodies of flesh and blood, there will be temptations that every disciple of Christ needs to resist. There will also be various situations that will come upon a child of God to get him to give up and quit and to discontinue his life-long journey with the Father.
However, two wonderful attributes of the Lord is mercy and grace. Because God is a loving being, He is able to pick us up whenever we fail and fall. If we ask Him to, the Lord has promised to cleanse us from our sins, and to restore our relationship with Him. He’s done this for me many times.
It’s a wonderful truth. Mercy and grace are words of sweetness and hope. With God, there is always hope (Romans 15:13). Nothing is impossible with the Lord (Luke 1:37).
But I believe that Jesus Christ can break the chains of addiction. He can and has set multitudes free from bondage of all kinds. For as long as we live in bodies of flesh and blood, there will be temptations that every disciple of Christ needs to resist. There will also be various situations that will come upon a child of God to get him to give up and quit and to discontinue his life-long journey with the Father.
However, two wonderful attributes of the Lord is mercy and grace. Because God is a loving being, He is able to pick us up whenever we fail and fall. If we ask Him to, the Lord has promised to cleanse us from our sins, and to restore our relationship with Him. He’s done this for me many times.
It’s a wonderful truth. Mercy and grace are words of sweetness and hope. With God, there is always hope (Romans 15:13). Nothing is impossible with the Lord (Luke 1:37).