These things I have spoken unto you,
that in Me ye might have peace.
John 16:33a
I pray that the readers of my journal and all my friends in Christ are doing well...
that in Me ye might have peace.
John 16:33a
I pray that the readers of my journal and all my friends in Christ are doing well...
That our God is continually strengthening everyone, imparting to them His peace and joy via the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
All is well with me. There are the usual trials and challenges which I have to confront and deal with each day. Nevertheless, God is faithful, and He never gives me more than I could handle. Besides, as long as we live in this world there will be varying amounts of trouble and tribulation
to contend with, yet the good news (great news, really) is that the Lord gives us His peace, and through Him, we have already overcome the world (John 16:33).
All is well with me. There are the usual trials and challenges which I have to confront and deal with each day. Nevertheless, God is faithful, and He never gives me more than I could handle. Besides, as long as we live in this world there will be varying amounts of trouble and tribulation
to contend with, yet the good news (great news, really) is that the Lord gives us His peace, and through Him, we have already overcome the world (John 16:33).