I've been seeking the Lord's will about going back to work full-time at the prison's "Intermediate Care Program," known as E-North...
This is a 64-man housing unit where those inmates designated as "special needs" live. I've been working there on weekday afternoons, only. My morning assignment at present is a cell block porter, which is basically being a janitor.
If I go back to E-North full-time, I will still continue to live in the general population. However, I do believe the need is greater with the men who have special needs to include an array of mental health issues. Caring for these guys has been my primary ministry for more than twenty years. I'll see how the Lord leads me.
If I go back to E-North full-time, I will still continue to live in the general population. However, I do believe the need is greater with the men who have special needs to include an array of mental health issues. Caring for these guys has been my primary ministry for more than twenty years. I'll see how the Lord leads me.