A friend of mine recently returned from a brief trip to Germany...
He had been invited by several churches in this country to share the story of his conversion to Christianity after having spent many years in the occult. And as part of his trip he also visited a well known site that was once a concentration camp during World War II, and it was a place in which many Jews had been put to death.
It was a deeply poignant moment for my friend, too, as he reflected on all the evil which had taken place on the very spot where he'd been standing. But his descriptions of his visit to the former camp also reminded me of the little known fact that Adolf Hitler and his satanic henchmen were steeped in the occult.
Unfortunately, not much is known of this, because for whatever reason, the occult aspect of Naziism and the Third Reich, has been virtually downplayed or ignored altogether by both historians and the media. This is too bad. To me, it's as if Satan has somehow removed his fingerprints from the holocaust, leaving Hitler to be viewed by most as merely a madman and psychopathic megalomaniac (which he truly was), but not as a seeker of occult driven powers, and as someone who was under a large degree of demonic control.
I could relate to this because it has been the same with the so-called "Son of Sam" case. The Devil, if I could be so blunt to put it this way, has, in my view, practically disappeared from the scenes of the Son of Sam crimes, leaving me holding the gun.
And while I accept my prison sentence and the punishment that has been meted out to me by the courts, I also feel as if the Devil has gotten away with murder.
Yet, according to the holy Bible, a day of judgment is coming in which the Judge will be none other than the Lord himself. It will be a fair and perfect judgment, as well, and those who are guilty of whatever crimes they have committed will not escape.
For Satan, it will be a time to stand before the Court of Heaven to receive his sentence in the "Lake of Fire."* And there will be no appeals.
*One can read about this Lake of Fire and the day of God's judgment: Revelation 20:11-15.
It was a deeply poignant moment for my friend, too, as he reflected on all the evil which had taken place on the very spot where he'd been standing. But his descriptions of his visit to the former camp also reminded me of the little known fact that Adolf Hitler and his satanic henchmen were steeped in the occult.
Unfortunately, not much is known of this, because for whatever reason, the occult aspect of Naziism and the Third Reich, has been virtually downplayed or ignored altogether by both historians and the media. This is too bad. To me, it's as if Satan has somehow removed his fingerprints from the holocaust, leaving Hitler to be viewed by most as merely a madman and psychopathic megalomaniac (which he truly was), but not as a seeker of occult driven powers, and as someone who was under a large degree of demonic control.
I could relate to this because it has been the same with the so-called "Son of Sam" case. The Devil, if I could be so blunt to put it this way, has, in my view, practically disappeared from the scenes of the Son of Sam crimes, leaving me holding the gun.
And while I accept my prison sentence and the punishment that has been meted out to me by the courts, I also feel as if the Devil has gotten away with murder.
Yet, according to the holy Bible, a day of judgment is coming in which the Judge will be none other than the Lord himself. It will be a fair and perfect judgment, as well, and those who are guilty of whatever crimes they have committed will not escape.
For Satan, it will be a time to stand before the Court of Heaven to receive his sentence in the "Lake of Fire."* And there will be no appeals.
*One can read about this Lake of Fire and the day of God's judgment: Revelation 20:11-15.