It was obvious that today was a special day because of the number of men who were in attendance in church this morning...
Our normal average is around fifty, but we had 63 inmates in the chapel. It was Mother's Day. So, for whatever personal reasons each man may have had, they decided to make their way to the service.
Brother Philip, who's the assistant inmate pastor, and I, had to start the service because my chaplain had had some dental work done. He motioned to us that he was having trouble talking. Philip and I then teased him a bit, all in a good-natured way. We often kid around with him. Yet, Philip and I did what was necessary to get things underway. There were announcements to be made, opening prayer and public Scripture reading, too. Then came some testimonies and exhortations. Our choir also had a handful of songs to sing.
Afterwards, our guest minister gave the sermon. Of course, his topic was geared toward remembering our mothers and grandmothers. Fortunately, I have good memories of both my maternal and adoptive mothers, and my grandmothers. I'm a blessed man to have had such good women in my life. I quietly gave God thanks for this.
Brother Philip, who's the assistant inmate pastor, and I, had to start the service because my chaplain had had some dental work done. He motioned to us that he was having trouble talking. Philip and I then teased him a bit, all in a good-natured way. We often kid around with him. Yet, Philip and I did what was necessary to get things underway. There were announcements to be made, opening prayer and public Scripture reading, too. Then came some testimonies and exhortations. Our choir also had a handful of songs to sing.
Afterwards, our guest minister gave the sermon. Of course, his topic was geared toward remembering our mothers and grandmothers. Fortunately, I have good memories of both my maternal and adoptive mothers, and my grandmothers. I'm a blessed man to have had such good women in my life. I quietly gave God thanks for this.