In the world of nature, Spring represents rebirth and renewal...
What had been resting in a state of hibernation is now awakening to a new season of life. The weather is warming, and what was a snowy and frigid winter, is coming to its end.
On most days, there's still a noticeable chill in the air, especially in the evenings and early mornings. While as of March 21 the calendar declared it to officially be spring, it doesn't feel like it.
But very soon I will be able to see my tree friends back in bloom. Miss Goldie will have all her new leaves on display. Then, when autumn arrives later in the year, her leaves will turn a breathtakingly bright golden yellow. And once again she will claim her place as queen mother of the forest.
While Mister Orange, standing proud and strong as always, will bring forth his leaves of green. Looking ordinary and nondescript throughout the summer months, come autumn he will morph into an impressive, distinguished looking monarch of royalty as he displays his majestic, orange-colored leaves until it’s time for the fall first to arrive.
It's almost time now for my friends to awaken. I cannot wait to see them again.
On most days, there's still a noticeable chill in the air, especially in the evenings and early mornings. While as of March 21 the calendar declared it to officially be spring, it doesn't feel like it.
But very soon I will be able to see my tree friends back in bloom. Miss Goldie will have all her new leaves on display. Then, when autumn arrives later in the year, her leaves will turn a breathtakingly bright golden yellow. And once again she will claim her place as queen mother of the forest.
While Mister Orange, standing proud and strong as always, will bring forth his leaves of green. Looking ordinary and nondescript throughout the summer months, come autumn he will morph into an impressive, distinguished looking monarch of royalty as he displays his majestic, orange-colored leaves until it’s time for the fall first to arrive.
It's almost time now for my friends to awaken. I cannot wait to see them again.