To every thing there is a season, and a
time for every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
As of today, spring is officially here. And while the warmth of the season is nice, I am by nature a cold weather person...
time for every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
As of today, spring is officially here. And while the warmth of the season is nice, I am by nature a cold weather person...
So I'll miss winter when it is gone, as taking long walks at night is one of my favorite pastimes. The cold fresh air under a dark sky is a treat for me. My walks in the prison's recreation yard is also a time for spiritual and mental refreshing, not to mention good exercise as well.
It is a personal challenge having to bravely face the elements, and I love the quiet, as only a few men would venture outdoors into weather that often drops into single digits here in the Catskills.
But the calendar declares that spring has come. It's a new season and a time for new beginnings and new challenges, along with new projects for the Lord.
It is a personal challenge having to bravely face the elements, and I love the quiet, as only a few men would venture outdoors into weather that often drops into single digits here in the Catskills.
But the calendar declares that spring has come. It's a new season and a time for new beginnings and new challenges, along with new projects for the Lord.