Pray ye therefore the Lord of
the harvest, that he will send
forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9:38
Many evangelical Christians believe that we are now living in a period of increasing spiritual darkness and evil...
the harvest, that he will send
forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9:38
Many evangelical Christians believe that we are now living in a period of increasing spiritual darkness and evil...
Furthermore, that the United States of America may be facing some form of impending judgment from God because of the increase of sin and corruption in our land.
Perhaps we have been taking God's blessings for granted, as well? As a nation, have we become unthankful? And do we think we can get along fine without God, and that all our problems can be solved through human effort rather than by first seeking help and guidance from the Almighty?
Sadly, I believe that many Christians prefer to remain cloistered inside our comfortable church buildings rather than make the effort to go into the streets and prisons and schools to share the life-changing, heart-transforming gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As, in an oftentimes Christ-mocking world where Jesus Christ is hated and there is obvious hostility shown toward the things of God, it seems so much easier and safer to stay amongst our own while ignorant sinners slowly destroy themselves.
Many of us would rather settle for singing our feel good songs inside the cozy setting of the local assembly, as opposed to stepping out in faith to share the Word of God with those who are perishing, many of whom have never had the gospel clearly presented to them.
I do, of course, believe that fellowship is important. Christians should be gathering together for worship, prayer, Bible studies, et cetera. But it should be done with balance, and not as a means of avoiding the serious call to carry out the "Great Commission." And I, too, enjoy gathering with my brothers and sisters to sing and praise the Lord. Likewise, it is good to experience the peace and the sense of togetherness that assembling with a group of like-minded believers brings.
Yet, the church has also been called to carry out spiritual warfare against all forms of evil. We've been asked by Christ to daily pick up and carry our respective crosses. We have already been given our marching orders from the Lord to spread the gospel, and to help it to spread in every way possible.
Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, may I humbly say that this is not a time for us, myself included, to be hiding in the pews. At this late hour, we should not have our heads in the clouds, so to speak. Nor should we ignore the cries of the lost any longer.
Yes, the body of Christ has a work to do, and we have a spiritual war to fight because Hell is enlarging itself. Souls are dying without the knowledge of Jesus, and our nation is dying too.
Perhaps we have been taking God's blessings for granted, as well? As a nation, have we become unthankful? And do we think we can get along fine without God, and that all our problems can be solved through human effort rather than by first seeking help and guidance from the Almighty?
Sadly, I believe that many Christians prefer to remain cloistered inside our comfortable church buildings rather than make the effort to go into the streets and prisons and schools to share the life-changing, heart-transforming gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As, in an oftentimes Christ-mocking world where Jesus Christ is hated and there is obvious hostility shown toward the things of God, it seems so much easier and safer to stay amongst our own while ignorant sinners slowly destroy themselves.
Many of us would rather settle for singing our feel good songs inside the cozy setting of the local assembly, as opposed to stepping out in faith to share the Word of God with those who are perishing, many of whom have never had the gospel clearly presented to them.
I do, of course, believe that fellowship is important. Christians should be gathering together for worship, prayer, Bible studies, et cetera. But it should be done with balance, and not as a means of avoiding the serious call to carry out the "Great Commission." And I, too, enjoy gathering with my brothers and sisters to sing and praise the Lord. Likewise, it is good to experience the peace and the sense of togetherness that assembling with a group of like-minded believers brings.
Yet, the church has also been called to carry out spiritual warfare against all forms of evil. We've been asked by Christ to daily pick up and carry our respective crosses. We have already been given our marching orders from the Lord to spread the gospel, and to help it to spread in every way possible.
Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, may I humbly say that this is not a time for us, myself included, to be hiding in the pews. At this late hour, we should not have our heads in the clouds, so to speak. Nor should we ignore the cries of the lost any longer.
Yes, the body of Christ has a work to do, and we have a spiritual war to fight because Hell is enlarging itself. Souls are dying without the knowledge of Jesus, and our nation is dying too.