Therefore My people
shall know My name...
Isaiah 52:6a
To know the Creator is a wonderful privilege...
shall know My name...
Isaiah 52:6a
To know the Creator is a wonderful privilege...
He is the Lord, and the One who has made the heavens and the earth. He is the God of all flesh. And in the New Testament, as the apostle Paul is quoted as saying to the residents of the city of Athens, "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
Therefore, during this last day of the month, God allowed it to snow. For much of the morning, large flakes fell to the ground. But it wasn't cold enough for the snow to remain for very long; by late afternoon it had melted.
However, only yesterday the temperature was in the late 50s. This caused the ground to begin to thaw as well. And because of the unseasonable warmth, the birds were out in large numbers. From my window, which faces a ball field and large recreation yard, I watched as flocks of robins and blackbirds feasted on worms, bugs, and seeds.
Since my window is only several feet above ground level, many times various species of birds would come within a few feet of my face. Yesterday's warmth obviously invited hundreds of worms to surface after having spent all winter deep in the earth. And the robins were ready for them. I watched as they pulled one worm after the other from the moist soil.
Knowing the Lord and being able to view some of His creation is a joyful experience.
Therefore, during this last day of the month, God allowed it to snow. For much of the morning, large flakes fell to the ground. But it wasn't cold enough for the snow to remain for very long; by late afternoon it had melted.
However, only yesterday the temperature was in the late 50s. This caused the ground to begin to thaw as well. And because of the unseasonable warmth, the birds were out in large numbers. From my window, which faces a ball field and large recreation yard, I watched as flocks of robins and blackbirds feasted on worms, bugs, and seeds.
Since my window is only several feet above ground level, many times various species of birds would come within a few feet of my face. Yesterday's warmth obviously invited hundreds of worms to surface after having spent all winter deep in the earth. And the robins were ready for them. I watched as they pulled one worm after the other from the moist soil.
Knowing the Lord and being able to view some of His creation is a joyful experience.