If one could understand that there are real demons who possess diabolical intelligence…
...then perhaps many ghastly and horrific events which we see happening all around us – shocking crimes, wars, riots, and more - have demonic origins at their roots.
Could what many psychologists and criminologists, with their often conflicting theories and explanations about human behavior, be wrong? Could their "expert" opinions not only be of no value when it comes to satanically orchestrated events? Might their collective ignorance inadvertently be helping foul spirits to hide?
Suppose that what I am saying is true? That demons are real. That there exists a supernatural realm of malicious spirits who work tirelessly to wreak havoc upon humanity in every possible way. Spirits which seek out troubled and pliant minds to make into their playground.
Human history tells of mankind's penchant for violence. Acts of mass murder, genocide, lawlessness and utter cruelty. Slavery and torture, wars and revolts, and many atrocities. Our human history is one which began with disobedience to our Creator, followed shortly thereafter with the first ever recorded homicide. The cold-blooded murder of Abel by his brother, Cain (Genesis chapter four), and evil has been on the march ever since.
Unfortunately, I am not able to share more about this within just several pages of journal entries. There's already been volumes written on the subjects of satanism, and on the unseen dangers of the occult, as well as on the subjects of brainwashing and mind-control. But I hope I am at least giving people something to think about.
When "experts" speak to the media, they need to be challenged. In a courtroom setting, for example, they can be cross-examined, and if necessary, rebutted and disproved. As I have learned through personal experience, there are those who are consulted because they've made a name for themselves within their fields of study. But when they speak, I know they are wrong. Their opinions are just that, opinions, and nothing more.
Sadly, many cling to their every word. When it comes to understanding human behavior as it relates to topics such as demonism, the occult, and the unseen world of wicked spirits, their unbelief will ultimately lead to incorrect and inadequate explanations for various abnormal acts such as serial killings, mass murders, out of control levels of juvenile delinquency, and debauchery. Also included would be unbridled hatred towards others, raging anger, and violent thoughts of harming people, or self-harm. The list is endless.
My questions are, is this because people are simply bad, or could there be unseen elements that will whisper diabolical suggestions into the minds of those they find to be open and pliable? And speaking of acts of self-harm and suicide, it has been reported time and again from the lips of those who survived their attempts at suicide, that there was the continuous urging of an "unseen voice" encouraging them to take their lives. Many of these fortunate survivors attest to hearing such a voice, or they felt an outside force pressuring them to kill themselves, or both. What can be done about this?
Do evil spirits really exist? If so, are they seeking communication with humans so as to influence us to do harm to others, or to ourselves? Can they also be doing a sinister work in causing people not to believe in their existence, so that we remain in a state of perpetual ignorance - where we prefer to accept the shallow, superficial, and often inadequate explanations for all kinds of crimes, atrocities, and corruption which festers and thrives in all realms of society? It exists in politics, the business world, the pharmaceutical industry, and sadly, even within the field of religion.
But the good news is that, according to the Holy Bible, God has numbered the days of demons. Time will run out for them. Every evil deed they've done, and every war they helped start, and every crime they were somehow involved in, and every suicidal person thy drove to their death, they will answer for. God's word declares this to be so. One day total and complete justice will be served. God Almighty will see to it.
But please keep an open mind to what you hear or read, and to what I have written in these pages. Occultic Programming is real. May God bless you!
For further reading:
A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today.
Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan. ©1994
Could what many psychologists and criminologists, with their often conflicting theories and explanations about human behavior, be wrong? Could their "expert" opinions not only be of no value when it comes to satanically orchestrated events? Might their collective ignorance inadvertently be helping foul spirits to hide?
Suppose that what I am saying is true? That demons are real. That there exists a supernatural realm of malicious spirits who work tirelessly to wreak havoc upon humanity in every possible way. Spirits which seek out troubled and pliant minds to make into their playground.
Human history tells of mankind's penchant for violence. Acts of mass murder, genocide, lawlessness and utter cruelty. Slavery and torture, wars and revolts, and many atrocities. Our human history is one which began with disobedience to our Creator, followed shortly thereafter with the first ever recorded homicide. The cold-blooded murder of Abel by his brother, Cain (Genesis chapter four), and evil has been on the march ever since.
Unfortunately, I am not able to share more about this within just several pages of journal entries. There's already been volumes written on the subjects of satanism, and on the unseen dangers of the occult, as well as on the subjects of brainwashing and mind-control. But I hope I am at least giving people something to think about.
When "experts" speak to the media, they need to be challenged. In a courtroom setting, for example, they can be cross-examined, and if necessary, rebutted and disproved. As I have learned through personal experience, there are those who are consulted because they've made a name for themselves within their fields of study. But when they speak, I know they are wrong. Their opinions are just that, opinions, and nothing more.
Sadly, many cling to their every word. When it comes to understanding human behavior as it relates to topics such as demonism, the occult, and the unseen world of wicked spirits, their unbelief will ultimately lead to incorrect and inadequate explanations for various abnormal acts such as serial killings, mass murders, out of control levels of juvenile delinquency, and debauchery. Also included would be unbridled hatred towards others, raging anger, and violent thoughts of harming people, or self-harm. The list is endless.
My questions are, is this because people are simply bad, or could there be unseen elements that will whisper diabolical suggestions into the minds of those they find to be open and pliable? And speaking of acts of self-harm and suicide, it has been reported time and again from the lips of those who survived their attempts at suicide, that there was the continuous urging of an "unseen voice" encouraging them to take their lives. Many of these fortunate survivors attest to hearing such a voice, or they felt an outside force pressuring them to kill themselves, or both. What can be done about this?
Do evil spirits really exist? If so, are they seeking communication with humans so as to influence us to do harm to others, or to ourselves? Can they also be doing a sinister work in causing people not to believe in their existence, so that we remain in a state of perpetual ignorance - where we prefer to accept the shallow, superficial, and often inadequate explanations for all kinds of crimes, atrocities, and corruption which festers and thrives in all realms of society? It exists in politics, the business world, the pharmaceutical industry, and sadly, even within the field of religion.
But the good news is that, according to the Holy Bible, God has numbered the days of demons. Time will run out for them. Every evil deed they've done, and every war they helped start, and every crime they were somehow involved in, and every suicidal person thy drove to their death, they will answer for. God's word declares this to be so. One day total and complete justice will be served. God Almighty will see to it.
But please keep an open mind to what you hear or read, and to what I have written in these pages. Occultic Programming is real. May God bless you!
For further reading:
A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today.
Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan. ©1994