Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you
in all our affliction and distress by your faith.
1 Thessalonians 3:7
The apostle Paul along with his spiritual son, Timothy, had to endure much hardship and persecution for sharing their faith and carrying out the work of evangelism...
in all our affliction and distress by your faith.
1 Thessalonians 3:7
The apostle Paul along with his spiritual son, Timothy, had to endure much hardship and persecution for sharing their faith and carrying out the work of evangelism...
This included imprisonment and beatings, and intense levels of suffering. Oftentimes, their message that "Jesus saves!" was not well received.
But it was the good reports they received during their journeys that helped to keep Paul and Timothy encouraged to continue to share the gospel with a lost world. Reports from the places where God used them to plant and establish congregations, then getting the news how these churches were growing - not only in numbers, but in their knowledge of God and the Scriptures, and in their faith.
Such news no doubt filled the hearts of these men with great joy. It gave them the encouragement to endure afflictions, and to keep moving forward in their work.
I value good reports, as well. Although my sufferings are negligible when compared to those of Paul and Timothy, and the thousands upon thousands of disciples who have since followed in their footsteps, receiving an occasional good word that my personal story of forgiveness, redemption and hope is touching other souls in a good way, brings great joy to my heart.
I mentioned all this because I have received more good reports of how my testimony is bringing hope to people. Recent letters from churches in Florida and upstate New York, and also prison ministries in Florida, Iowa, and California have been very encouraging. They are reminders that my efforts to honor the Lord Jesus is not in vain. I am comforted by their expressions of gratitude at what God has done for me. The Lord can do the same for others, as well. He accepts all who come to Him, be they convicted felons, or "good" citizens.
But it was the good reports they received during their journeys that helped to keep Paul and Timothy encouraged to continue to share the gospel with a lost world. Reports from the places where God used them to plant and establish congregations, then getting the news how these churches were growing - not only in numbers, but in their knowledge of God and the Scriptures, and in their faith.
Such news no doubt filled the hearts of these men with great joy. It gave them the encouragement to endure afflictions, and to keep moving forward in their work.
I value good reports, as well. Although my sufferings are negligible when compared to those of Paul and Timothy, and the thousands upon thousands of disciples who have since followed in their footsteps, receiving an occasional good word that my personal story of forgiveness, redemption and hope is touching other souls in a good way, brings great joy to my heart.
I mentioned all this because I have received more good reports of how my testimony is bringing hope to people. Recent letters from churches in Florida and upstate New York, and also prison ministries in Florida, Iowa, and California have been very encouraging. They are reminders that my efforts to honor the Lord Jesus is not in vain. I am comforted by their expressions of gratitude at what God has done for me. The Lord can do the same for others, as well. He accepts all who come to Him, be they convicted felons, or "good" citizens.