By this shall all men know that ye are My
disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:35
Like any church congregation, we have our share of problems and situations to contend with...
disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:35
Like any church congregation, we have our share of problems and situations to contend with...
...using the wisdom that only the Holy Spirit can provide. And today was such an occasion. Although our worship service went well, I had to give and approximately ten minute exhortation on the need to practice Christian love amongst ourselves.
Unfortunately, within the past week, two elders in our congregation had gotten into a nasty argument in one of the cell blocks where both live. Several witnesses said it was an ugly scene, with a loud and prolonged exchange of words. I hate when things like this happen, but they sometimes do. The blow-up occurred between two men who've been walking with the Lord long enough to know better. Of no surprise, the incident has been the talk of the prison.
Being in prison is a lot like living in a small town. Everyone knows your business. Nothing remains a secret for long, and gossip spreads fast and furious like and out-of-control brush fire. In addition, the story, as it is gossiped about from one pair of lips to the next, gets worse.
Fortunately, however, both men wanted to settle the matter by confessing their wrongdoing and publicly repenting. So each man, with humility and boldness, took his turn to step forward and stand before the church. No one asked them to do this. They simply wanted to make things right, and this impressed me the most. Each one confessed his sins and failings openly. Neither tried to blame the other.
I was touched by their honesty, and for their courage to face a room full of their peers and take responsibility for their transgressions. Then, when I returned to the pulpit, I congratulated and thanked them both. And I followed this by giving a message from 1 Peter 1:22 and 1 Peter 2:1-2 on the need to lay aside our harsh feelings towards our fellow Christians, if we harbor such feelings, and that as believers in Christ we are to love one another. First, because the Lord commands this of us. Second, because as it states in John 13:35, by showing brotherly love, and by always being tenderhearted and forgiving, we are showing the world that we are truly followers of the Lord. We're also demonstrating that genuine and unselfish love can exist in a fallen world.
I went on to say that love is the best witness there is, in addition to a radically changed life, to the reality of Jesus Christ.
A beautiful work of healing took place today, and gossiping lips were silenced as well.
Unfortunately, within the past week, two elders in our congregation had gotten into a nasty argument in one of the cell blocks where both live. Several witnesses said it was an ugly scene, with a loud and prolonged exchange of words. I hate when things like this happen, but they sometimes do. The blow-up occurred between two men who've been walking with the Lord long enough to know better. Of no surprise, the incident has been the talk of the prison.
Being in prison is a lot like living in a small town. Everyone knows your business. Nothing remains a secret for long, and gossip spreads fast and furious like and out-of-control brush fire. In addition, the story, as it is gossiped about from one pair of lips to the next, gets worse.
Fortunately, however, both men wanted to settle the matter by confessing their wrongdoing and publicly repenting. So each man, with humility and boldness, took his turn to step forward and stand before the church. No one asked them to do this. They simply wanted to make things right, and this impressed me the most. Each one confessed his sins and failings openly. Neither tried to blame the other.
I was touched by their honesty, and for their courage to face a room full of their peers and take responsibility for their transgressions. Then, when I returned to the pulpit, I congratulated and thanked them both. And I followed this by giving a message from 1 Peter 1:22 and 1 Peter 2:1-2 on the need to lay aside our harsh feelings towards our fellow Christians, if we harbor such feelings, and that as believers in Christ we are to love one another. First, because the Lord commands this of us. Second, because as it states in John 13:35, by showing brotherly love, and by always being tenderhearted and forgiving, we are showing the world that we are truly followers of the Lord. We're also demonstrating that genuine and unselfish love can exist in a fallen world.
I went on to say that love is the best witness there is, in addition to a radically changed life, to the reality of Jesus Christ.
A beautiful work of healing took place today, and gossiping lips were silenced as well.