Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.
Psalm 86:3
As my friends may know from reading this journal, I have been passing through several hard trials, and I've been getting "pressed out of measure" in the process*...
Psalm 86:3
As my friends may know from reading this journal, I have been passing through several hard trials, and I've been getting "pressed out of measure" in the process*...
I am not complaining, however, because I know I'm supposed to "rejoice always" no matter what I must face. But the reality is that these trials are painful; my soul feels like it's being crushed.
Yet the Lord must have something special for me though. For out of this crushing, I pray, will come the sweet fragrance of love, humility and gentleness.
Moreover, it has been said that our afflictions and trials will either make us better or bitter Christians. Either we'll come out of a given ordeal with our faith and our confidence in God made stronger, or we will grow angry and bitter. Depending on how each person handles his trial, he will either become a good example as a Christian, with a sweet spirit and a kind countenance, or he will become an angry cynic with a brooding disposition, always emitting the sour smell of spiritual defeat wherever he goes.
As for myself, I must allow Jesus Christ to remain my Hope. He is to be, forever, my Rock, my Fortress, and my Strong Tower set strongly against the storms of life that seem to assail me every day.
*2 Corinthians 1:8-10
Yet the Lord must have something special for me though. For out of this crushing, I pray, will come the sweet fragrance of love, humility and gentleness.
Moreover, it has been said that our afflictions and trials will either make us better or bitter Christians. Either we'll come out of a given ordeal with our faith and our confidence in God made stronger, or we will grow angry and bitter. Depending on how each person handles his trial, he will either become a good example as a Christian, with a sweet spirit and a kind countenance, or he will become an angry cynic with a brooding disposition, always emitting the sour smell of spiritual defeat wherever he goes.
As for myself, I must allow Jesus Christ to remain my Hope. He is to be, forever, my Rock, my Fortress, and my Strong Tower set strongly against the storms of life that seem to assail me every day.
*2 Corinthians 1:8-10