And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,
I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh...
Matthew 2:17a
God is doing amazing things here at Sullivan Correctional Facility...
I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh...
Matthew 2:17a
God is doing amazing things here at Sullivan Correctional Facility...
He's doing the same in jails and prisons throughout the world. This past Sunday, for example, we had 63 men attend our main worship service. The inmate ushers had to get additional chairs from nearby classrooms in order to accommodate everyone.
I believe this is a season when the Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out upon those who are incarcerated. He is convicting men and women of their sins, and they are turning away from those sins. They're hearing the gospel and believing its message.
Furthermore, for a number of years I have been saying that the largest harvest of souls to become "born again" will be those who inhabit our nation's jails, prisons, halfway houses, juvenile detention centers, homeless shelters, and inner-city mission stations. And this is because these individuals are the ones who've been shattered and battered by life's cruel blows. They're the ones who are spiritually impoverished. They have no qualms seeking help and refuge from God.
I believe this is a season when the Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out upon those who are incarcerated. He is convicting men and women of their sins, and they are turning away from those sins. They're hearing the gospel and believing its message.
Furthermore, for a number of years I have been saying that the largest harvest of souls to become "born again" will be those who inhabit our nation's jails, prisons, halfway houses, juvenile detention centers, homeless shelters, and inner-city mission stations. And this is because these individuals are the ones who've been shattered and battered by life's cruel blows. They're the ones who are spiritually impoverished. They have no qualms seeking help and refuge from God.