For we know that the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
In the sixteenth chapter of Matthew's gospel, Jesus chided the religious leaders of His day because they demanded that He perform a miraculous sign in order to prove He was indeed the Messiah...
and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
In the sixteenth chapter of Matthew's gospel, Jesus chided the religious leaders of His day because they demanded that He perform a miraculous sign in order to prove He was indeed the Messiah...
Instead, Jesus said to them, that they were foolish, for while they could discern what the next day's weather was going to be like, they could not recognize who He was by all the miracles Jesus had already performed.
In a similar way, it is obvious to me that we are living in a period of human history when the Lord's calling forth for His church to be removed from this earth and taken up into heaven is very near ("The Rapture").
The world is in upheaval and many people are in pain. Multitudes are also living in fear because of crime or war. Even nature appears to be out of balance. The Bible says that all of creation is groaning and longing for the time when the earth will be restored to the paradise which once existed before sin entered the world.
Meanwhile, the signs are clear. Christ is coming again. But before He does, there will be much more suffering and sorrow. This is because sin is increasing, and with it will come the intensification of the pain it brings. Yet there is also hope because God, who the Bible says is "rich in mercy,"* is still allowing for individuals to repent and to believe the gospel.
Yes, one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and the misery which so many of us are now experiencing will be gone forever.
*Ephesians 2:4
In a similar way, it is obvious to me that we are living in a period of human history when the Lord's calling forth for His church to be removed from this earth and taken up into heaven is very near ("The Rapture").
The world is in upheaval and many people are in pain. Multitudes are also living in fear because of crime or war. Even nature appears to be out of balance. The Bible says that all of creation is groaning and longing for the time when the earth will be restored to the paradise which once existed before sin entered the world.
Meanwhile, the signs are clear. Christ is coming again. But before He does, there will be much more suffering and sorrow. This is because sin is increasing, and with it will come the intensification of the pain it brings. Yet there is also hope because God, who the Bible says is "rich in mercy,"* is still allowing for individuals to repent and to believe the gospel.
Yes, one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and the misery which so many of us are now experiencing will be gone forever.
*Ephesians 2:4