He shall come down like rain upon the mown
grass: as showers that water the earth.
Psalm 72:6
It's a new year and a new season...
grass: as showers that water the earth.
Psalm 72:6
It's a new year and a new season...
For me, it is a time for renewal, rejuvenation, and refreshing. The Lord's word for me today and until further notice is, "rest." "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7a).
As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows just what I need. Speaking to my heart, He said, "David, my son, I want you to rest, relax, and allow time for recuperation." All I could say to this was, "Yes, Lord!"
Frankly, within the past year, I faced many trials and tribulations. I am not going to discuss what they were because that's not important. But I would best describe it as something of a demonic onslaught. As a result, I have been worn down and exhausted. So the advice I got from my heavenly Father was to stop taking on too much. As a hyperactive individual, this is something I'd habitually do. However, it needs to stop.
So when I was reading my Bible on New Year’s Eve and came across a verse from Psalm 72, which I quoted at the start of this entry, it spoke of how the Lord wants to refresh me as rain would do for dry grass.
May the Lord's showers of blessing fall upon me. He's the God who refreshes those with weary bodies and souls.
As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows just what I need. Speaking to my heart, He said, "David, my son, I want you to rest, relax, and allow time for recuperation." All I could say to this was, "Yes, Lord!"
Frankly, within the past year, I faced many trials and tribulations. I am not going to discuss what they were because that's not important. But I would best describe it as something of a demonic onslaught. As a result, I have been worn down and exhausted. So the advice I got from my heavenly Father was to stop taking on too much. As a hyperactive individual, this is something I'd habitually do. However, it needs to stop.
So when I was reading my Bible on New Year’s Eve and came across a verse from Psalm 72, which I quoted at the start of this entry, it spoke of how the Lord wants to refresh me as rain would do for dry grass.
May the Lord's showers of blessing fall upon me. He's the God who refreshes those with weary bodies and souls.