This afternoon I was watching some of the Presidential Inauguration which took place in Washington, D.C. today...
I was amazed at the number of people who were in attendance. Surprisingly, the prison authorities cancelled all work and school assignments after the lunch meal was completed so that any prisoner in the general population could go to his respective dayroom area to watch it. I finished my work in the kitchen at 12:30. So I had enough time to take a shower and then head downstairs to find a seat. The timing was perfect because I got to see the most important parts of the event.
The prominent cry of both our new president and the populace is for change. But it remains to be seen what will happen to the United States in the future. I saw the hopeful multitudes. Their faces were aglow with happy smiles. However, my gut instinct tells me all is not well. And I say this because, from what I know about the Scriptures, we are not to place all our trust and hope in rulers and leaders. "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3).
Certainly those who are in positions of authority are to rule, and we hope they do their task well and carry out their many responsibilities successfully. In addition, we're to pray for them too. Yet, to elevate any one person to an almost messianic level where we think this man or woman is going to fix everything and somehow make everything right, is to set ourselves up for disappointment.
Furthermore, I think our nation has turned its back on God. Our politicians pay the Creator occasional lip service when they invoke His name during their speeches, but if we're honest, I doubt that many of America's leaders know the Lord intimately, nor do they follow His ways. Like the Israelites during the times when their love for God grew cold, the prophets would cry out, "You honor the Lord with your lips, but your heart is far from Him." Are we any different today?
Nevertheless, as a Christian, my prayer is for a nationwide revival which involves genuine godly repentance and a turning away from all that is sinful and wrong. This is my hope.
But for now I think we've got a difficult road ahead. And many Americans may become very disillusioned in the days and months to come when those whom they voted for in good faith do not come through.
This is all I have to say today.
Note: For further reading about my thoughts on our nation, please go to my journal entries for: November 11 and 12, 2006.
The prominent cry of both our new president and the populace is for change. But it remains to be seen what will happen to the United States in the future. I saw the hopeful multitudes. Their faces were aglow with happy smiles. However, my gut instinct tells me all is not well. And I say this because, from what I know about the Scriptures, we are not to place all our trust and hope in rulers and leaders. "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3).
Certainly those who are in positions of authority are to rule, and we hope they do their task well and carry out their many responsibilities successfully. In addition, we're to pray for them too. Yet, to elevate any one person to an almost messianic level where we think this man or woman is going to fix everything and somehow make everything right, is to set ourselves up for disappointment.
Furthermore, I think our nation has turned its back on God. Our politicians pay the Creator occasional lip service when they invoke His name during their speeches, but if we're honest, I doubt that many of America's leaders know the Lord intimately, nor do they follow His ways. Like the Israelites during the times when their love for God grew cold, the prophets would cry out, "You honor the Lord with your lips, but your heart is far from Him." Are we any different today?
Nevertheless, as a Christian, my prayer is for a nationwide revival which involves genuine godly repentance and a turning away from all that is sinful and wrong. This is my hope.
But for now I think we've got a difficult road ahead. And many Americans may become very disillusioned in the days and months to come when those whom they voted for in good faith do not come through.
This is all I have to say today.
Note: For further reading about my thoughts on our nation, please go to my journal entries for: November 11 and 12, 2006.