People everywhere are talking about the devastating tidal wave that struck nations in Asia and the South Pacific...
India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand were especially hard hit with more than 150,000 estimated to have been killed. The exact amount, of course, may never be known since many bodies were washed away into the ocean.
Yet as awful as this tsunami was, it was but another reminder that tomorrow is promised to no one. As the Lord Jesus has said, “unless a man is born again, he shall not see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
The Bible teaches us that it is imperative for a person to repent of his sin and receive Jesus as his Savior now, while he is still alive. And this is the essential thrust of evangelism. That men are sinners who need salvation, and the time to place one’s faith in Christ is at the very moment.
The tsunami tragedy, with its suddenness, should remind us of the brevity and uncertainty of life. For death stalks everyone. Its cold hands could strike one person or thousands in an instant.
As the Scripture makes clear, “Today is the day of salvation.” Not tomorrow. Because, for some of us, tomorrow may never come.
Yet as awful as this tsunami was, it was but another reminder that tomorrow is promised to no one. As the Lord Jesus has said, “unless a man is born again, he shall not see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
The Bible teaches us that it is imperative for a person to repent of his sin and receive Jesus as his Savior now, while he is still alive. And this is the essential thrust of evangelism. That men are sinners who need salvation, and the time to place one’s faith in Christ is at the very moment.
The tsunami tragedy, with its suddenness, should remind us of the brevity and uncertainty of life. For death stalks everyone. Its cold hands could strike one person or thousands in an instant.
As the Scripture makes clear, “Today is the day of salvation.” Not tomorrow. Because, for some of us, tomorrow may never come.