Miss Goldie and Mister Orange are doing something that I wish I could do...
That is to sleep the winter away. I know I could use the sleep, as I often get shortchanged of it myself. But the fact is, they're trees, and I'm not.
Although they cannot verbalize it, I know they love their sleep. For them, it's a chance to rest after having to endure a wet spring, a hot summer, and a chilly fall. After all, if had to stand upright for so long a time, I would be tired too. So the chance to hibernate is probably too tempting to ignore. I cannot blame them. Trees will be trees.
But it does make me feel sad whenever I would go outdoors to the big recreation yard during the winter months. As is my custom, I would first stop to greet my friends. Then I would climb a small hill in order to make my way to the northernmost part of the yard. From here, I would look through the security fences towards my two tree friends. And there they would be. Miss Goldie and Mister Orange looking barren and cold; it's a heartbreaking sight.
It's like searching for your loved ones only to find their skeletal remains. But I know it's not the end. In due time, the first warm rays of the sun will come. When this happens, my tree friends will begin to slowly awaken from a long winter's sleep. Life will begin to stir anew, and back in action they will be. Then, before I know it, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange will have their many branches covered with a lush blend of healthy green leaves.
Although they cannot verbalize it, I know they love their sleep. For them, it's a chance to rest after having to endure a wet spring, a hot summer, and a chilly fall. After all, if had to stand upright for so long a time, I would be tired too. So the chance to hibernate is probably too tempting to ignore. I cannot blame them. Trees will be trees.
But it does make me feel sad whenever I would go outdoors to the big recreation yard during the winter months. As is my custom, I would first stop to greet my friends. Then I would climb a small hill in order to make my way to the northernmost part of the yard. From here, I would look through the security fences towards my two tree friends. And there they would be. Miss Goldie and Mister Orange looking barren and cold; it's a heartbreaking sight.
It's like searching for your loved ones only to find their skeletal remains. But I know it's not the end. In due time, the first warm rays of the sun will come. When this happens, my tree friends will begin to slowly awaken from a long winter's sleep. Life will begin to stir anew, and back in action they will be. Then, before I know it, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange will have their many branches covered with a lush blend of healthy green leaves.