Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not,
neither do they reap, nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feeds them...
Matthew 6:26a
The common sparrows who use my window's small ledge as their daily meeting place...
neither do they reap, nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feeds them...
Matthew 6:26a
The common sparrows who use my window's small ledge as their daily meeting place...
...seem oblivious to winter's frigid weather. Be it sunny and mild, or snowy and cold, each morning and at various times throughout the day, they'd perch on the ledge and sing their songs and discuss bird matters.
Furthermore, unlike people, they do not appear to have a care in the world. Neither have I known a sparrow to worry or suffer from insomnia. Probably because, as the Bible indicates, they don't even know what worry is. Worrying, apparently, is for humans only. It is part of the curse. Fallen and corrupted men, who by nature lack faith in a loving Creator, have no choice but to be filled with the stress of not knowing what tomorrow may bring. We call it worry, and it has often brought many a human heart to a sudden stop.
Blessed birds. They know nothing of this. Being content with the here and now, worrying is not part of their internal make-up. And this is probably why they're always singing, and why man is always crying and complaining. Worrying is for people; contentment is for the birds.
Furthermore, unlike people, they do not appear to have a care in the world. Neither have I known a sparrow to worry or suffer from insomnia. Probably because, as the Bible indicates, they don't even know what worry is. Worrying, apparently, is for humans only. It is part of the curse. Fallen and corrupted men, who by nature lack faith in a loving Creator, have no choice but to be filled with the stress of not knowing what tomorrow may bring. We call it worry, and it has often brought many a human heart to a sudden stop.
Blessed birds. They know nothing of this. Being content with the here and now, worrying is not part of their internal make-up. And this is probably why they're always singing, and why man is always crying and complaining. Worrying is for people; contentment is for the birds.