And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw
a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his head the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:1
I do not want to sound pessimistic, but could it be that America may be on the cusp of riding a false hope that will ultimately lead us to ruin, rather than to prosperity?
a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his head the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:1
I do not want to sound pessimistic, but could it be that America may be on the cusp of riding a false hope that will ultimately lead us to ruin, rather than to prosperity?
For in many different passages, the Bible predicts that one day the nations will work together to form a World Government. That such an organization will begin to benevolently and out of seemingly urgent necessity. But at some point it will show its true colors as a technologically controlled Orwellian nightmare in which every person on earth will not be permitted to buy or sell or make any kind of financial transaction unless he has the required "mark," in his right hand or in his forehead. Everyone is going to be electronically tracked and monitored. And so tyrannical will this international body be that those who refuse to go along with it will be put to death.
Yes, as unfathomable as such a thing seems, the Scriptures sound many warnings about this. In addition, the Bible says that multitudes will be deceived into accepting this tightly controlled system because of the endless promises of peace and safety that its charismatic leader will be making. A spiritually blind populace will obediently and reverently pay their homage to the one whom the Bible refers to as "The Beast" and the "Antichrist."
How tragic! Yet this shall be the outcome for those who continue to reject Jesus as Lord, and who lack love for God; they scorn His words. Therefore, they will each make the choice to worship and serve the one who is going to be a false Christ and an evil despot. Promising hope, he shall ultimately cause the nations to gather for battle against Israel in what the Bible calls the (yet future) battle of Armageddon. Hating the Truth, there will be no recourse but to embrace a lie.
Note: For additional insight about this, please read Revelation 13
and 2 Thessalonians 2.
Yes, as unfathomable as such a thing seems, the Scriptures sound many warnings about this. In addition, the Bible says that multitudes will be deceived into accepting this tightly controlled system because of the endless promises of peace and safety that its charismatic leader will be making. A spiritually blind populace will obediently and reverently pay their homage to the one whom the Bible refers to as "The Beast" and the "Antichrist."
How tragic! Yet this shall be the outcome for those who continue to reject Jesus as Lord, and who lack love for God; they scorn His words. Therefore, they will each make the choice to worship and serve the one who is going to be a false Christ and an evil despot. Promising hope, he shall ultimately cause the nations to gather for battle against Israel in what the Bible calls the (yet future) battle of Armageddon. Hating the Truth, there will be no recourse but to embrace a lie.
Note: For additional insight about this, please read Revelation 13
and 2 Thessalonians 2.