I cried unto God with my voice,
even unto God with my voice,
and He gave ear unto me.
Psalm 77:1
I am most thankful that God did not reject me when I first cried out to Him...
even unto God with my voice,
and He gave ear unto me.
Psalm 77:1
I am most thankful that God did not reject me when I first cried out to Him...
And He has not rejected me now. The Lord is forever merciful, and He has never forsaken me, even when I sin.
I can call upon the Lord, even from within my prison cell, and He hears me. He answers my cries. As a mother runs to her wailing child, and as a father runs to the desperate cries of a son or daughter, so, too, the Creator runs to me.
As it says in Psalm 77:1 the Lord gives "ear unto me." In other words, God pays attention to my pleas and requests for help because He loves me. I am his son through faith in Jesus Christ. God hears, and He cares. Amen!
I can call upon the Lord, even from within my prison cell, and He hears me. He answers my cries. As a mother runs to her wailing child, and as a father runs to the desperate cries of a son or daughter, so, too, the Creator runs to me.
As it says in Psalm 77:1 the Lord gives "ear unto me." In other words, God pays attention to my pleas and requests for help because He loves me. I am his son through faith in Jesus Christ. God hears, and He cares. Amen!