Many of the readers of my journal have been asking about my tree friends, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange...
I have been remiss on providing everyone with updates, and I apologize. But it has been an overwhelming and challenging year for me, with many vexing situations that had to be dealt with. Yet by God's grace I press onward with joy.
As for my tree friends, they're fast asleep. It's now early winter, and several unseasonable cold snaps and below freezing temperatures caused them to shed their leaves early. I'm disappointed, of course, but nature must take its course. The weather can be unpredictable. And not only was I taken by surprise, but I believe Miss Goldie and Mister Orange were, as well.
This autumn was unfortunately short-lived. The spectacular displays of fall foliage came to fruition, but not to the degree it did during the previous year. For Miss Goldie and Mister Orange, their leaves seemed to quickly disappear.
During the summer months, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange blended in well with their peers. Their leaves were a dark, verdant, and healthy green. We had a lot of rain in the summer, so they were well watered; there was no lack of sunshine, either.
By mid to late November, however, I began to notice how quickly they were losing their autumn colors. Their leaves were falling faster than normal, and now they're all gone.
My heart is sad. As I stood in the recreation yard on this chilly afternoon gazing at them from behind the rows of security fences, they looked like two lifeless skeletons. Yet I know they are very much alive. They're sleeping, as they do every winter. But spring will come, and my friends will be back.
As for my tree friends, they're fast asleep. It's now early winter, and several unseasonable cold snaps and below freezing temperatures caused them to shed their leaves early. I'm disappointed, of course, but nature must take its course. The weather can be unpredictable. And not only was I taken by surprise, but I believe Miss Goldie and Mister Orange were, as well.
This autumn was unfortunately short-lived. The spectacular displays of fall foliage came to fruition, but not to the degree it did during the previous year. For Miss Goldie and Mister Orange, their leaves seemed to quickly disappear.
During the summer months, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange blended in well with their peers. Their leaves were a dark, verdant, and healthy green. We had a lot of rain in the summer, so they were well watered; there was no lack of sunshine, either.
By mid to late November, however, I began to notice how quickly they were losing their autumn colors. Their leaves were falling faster than normal, and now they're all gone.
My heart is sad. As I stood in the recreation yard on this chilly afternoon gazing at them from behind the rows of security fences, they looked like two lifeless skeletons. Yet I know they are very much alive. They're sleeping, as they do every winter. But spring will come, and my friends will be back.