For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace:
the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into
singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
As I reported in my journal entry for November 28…
the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into
singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12
As I reported in my journal entry for November 28… tree friends have been stripped of almost all their once colorful leaves. Once the king and queen of the forest that's behind the prison, today they appear as two twisted skeletons in a field of barren trees, save for a scattering of evergreens and spruces which get to keep their leaves year-round.
Miss Goldie's bouquet of golden yellow leaves, and Mister Orange with his proud display of attention getting flame-colored ones, have lost their good looks.
As autumn passes, their leaves will begin to abandon the branches they were attached to, one by one. It's a sign that winter's on its way. For Miss Goldie and Mister Orange, snow and frigid temperatures await.
With no shelter to protect them from the elements, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange must turn inward. They will shut themselves down while somehow managing to retain enough water along with a summer's worth of nutrients to keep themselves alive and healthy during the months of winter.
Living miracles. They've been doing this since the day they became planted in the soil they're still standing in centuries later. How could I not admire their skillful ability to dodge howling winds, ice storms wood-eating insect infestations, along with droughts and floods?
When, afterwards, comes the spring and the new life it will bring. Then the trees in forests everywhere will once again awaken and clap their hands in praise to their Creator.
Miss Goldie's bouquet of golden yellow leaves, and Mister Orange with his proud display of attention getting flame-colored ones, have lost their good looks.
As autumn passes, their leaves will begin to abandon the branches they were attached to, one by one. It's a sign that winter's on its way. For Miss Goldie and Mister Orange, snow and frigid temperatures await.
With no shelter to protect them from the elements, Miss Goldie and Mister Orange must turn inward. They will shut themselves down while somehow managing to retain enough water along with a summer's worth of nutrients to keep themselves alive and healthy during the months of winter.
Living miracles. They've been doing this since the day they became planted in the soil they're still standing in centuries later. How could I not admire their skillful ability to dodge howling winds, ice storms wood-eating insect infestations, along with droughts and floods?
When, afterwards, comes the spring and the new life it will bring. Then the trees in forests everywhere will once again awaken and clap their hands in praise to their Creator.