And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
Oftentimes it’s not until we lose something that we realize how blessed we were to have it, and we miss it...
another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
Oftentimes it’s not until we lose something that we realize how blessed we were to have it, and we miss it...
In this case, it’s having good relationships with family and friends.
I’ve been thinking about my parents and how I hurt and mistreated them while growing up. I’d go days without speaking to them. I would sometimes lock myself in my room in an effort to keep them out of my life. They were deeply grieved by my strange behavior.
Now they’re gone, and I grieve not being able to be in their presence. I’m sorry that I cannot go back and fix and restore our relationship.
I’m sharing this because, as I spent time in prayer earlier today, the above Scripture verse from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians church kept coming to mind. We need to try and restore broken relationships, and not put it off any longer.
We’ve all heard the term, “mending fences.” While it’s good to mend damaged fences, how much better it is to mend a broken relationship.
The Bible teaches me not to put off forgiving others, or seeking their forgiveness if I have done them wrong. My advice: Don’t leave this world without trying to fix things.
I’ve been thinking about my parents and how I hurt and mistreated them while growing up. I’d go days without speaking to them. I would sometimes lock myself in my room in an effort to keep them out of my life. They were deeply grieved by my strange behavior.
Now they’re gone, and I grieve not being able to be in their presence. I’m sorry that I cannot go back and fix and restore our relationship.
I’m sharing this because, as I spent time in prayer earlier today, the above Scripture verse from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians church kept coming to mind. We need to try and restore broken relationships, and not put it off any longer.
We’ve all heard the term, “mending fences.” While it’s good to mend damaged fences, how much better it is to mend a broken relationship.
The Bible teaches me not to put off forgiving others, or seeking their forgiveness if I have done them wrong. My advice: Don’t leave this world without trying to fix things.