And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them
who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Last week, I began to sense that it was time to make a change...
for good to them that love God, to them
who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Last week, I began to sense that it was time to make a change...
I knew the Lord was calling me to go back to work with the prisoners who are confined at the facility's Intermediate Care Program (the ICP Unit that's located in the E-North building).
I've been working on and off with these needy men for more than twelve years. And for me, it has been the most challenging and rewarding job I've had at Sullivan Correctional Facility. It's really my ministry of helping and encouraging men who are in need of special care.
So when my heart began to stir about going back, I prayed, "Lord, may your will be done." I told Him, "If You want me to reapply for a job at the ICP Unit, then you will have to make an opening, and you will also have to make a way for me to see Mike Kaplan, the counselor who works there."
Sure enough, the following day one of the four inmates from the general population who was already assigned to work there, got fired for breaking a rule. Then, also on this day, I happened to run into Mr. Kaplan. As soon as Mr. Kaplan saw me, he said, "Hey Dave, when are you coming back?" I quickly blurted out, "I'm ready. When do I start?"
Well, I started today. Yet for now I will continue to do my janitor's job in the mornings. While in the afternoons, however, I am a caregiver for the men in ICP.
I've been working on and off with these needy men for more than twelve years. And for me, it has been the most challenging and rewarding job I've had at Sullivan Correctional Facility. It's really my ministry of helping and encouraging men who are in need of special care.
So when my heart began to stir about going back, I prayed, "Lord, may your will be done." I told Him, "If You want me to reapply for a job at the ICP Unit, then you will have to make an opening, and you will also have to make a way for me to see Mike Kaplan, the counselor who works there."
Sure enough, the following day one of the four inmates from the general population who was already assigned to work there, got fired for breaking a rule. Then, also on this day, I happened to run into Mr. Kaplan. As soon as Mr. Kaplan saw me, he said, "Hey Dave, when are you coming back?" I quickly blurted out, "I'm ready. When do I start?"
Well, I started today. Yet for now I will continue to do my janitor's job in the mornings. While in the afternoons, however, I am a caregiver for the men in ICP.