I just learned that I have been approved by the Program Committee for a change of jobs...
I am now officially a porter in my cell block, and I will work with about six other men to clean the building. It is dirty, sweaty work, but I don’t mind. I’ve done it before. And while I am taking a cut in pay (see my journal entry for July 30) this job will afford me a little more time to spend with the Lord in prayer and Scripture reading, and I hope to do more writing, as well.
I’ll also get a little more exercise because using a broom and swinging a wet mop from one end of the building to the other, plus hauling an industrial size wash bucket, will surely serve to burn calories. The job is less stressful, too. Being that I have been feeling chronically tired for so long a time, this may be just what Doctor Jesus has ordered for me. In due time, I’ll know if I made the right decision.
I’ll also get a little more exercise because using a broom and swinging a wet mop from one end of the building to the other, plus hauling an industrial size wash bucket, will surely serve to burn calories. The job is less stressful, too. Being that I have been feeling chronically tired for so long a time, this may be just what Doctor Jesus has ordered for me. In due time, I’ll know if I made the right decision.