Even though the sun was unrelenting as it beat down upon us...
...today was a time of joy for the Christian prisoners and their families. This was a day when the members of my church were able to go to the prison’s large ball field to spend time with their families and friends. It’s a gathering that we have every year, and it runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Approximately 175 persons attended, including some of our "volunteer" ministers who regularly come into the facility to teach the Bible to us or to conduct worship services. For me, it felt as if I were in a public park as people sat on picnic tables and as children zigzagged around me.
This event was paid for by the inmates. We scrimp and save all year for it. Nothing comes out of the state’s treasury or from taxpayer dollars. Even the food is purchased by my congregation, and it’s prepared and cooked in the prison’s kitchen. The event is also supervised by my chaplain.
About twenty members of the Manhattan Grace Tabernacle Church from New York City attended our event, and we were able to worship with them. We also provided for their meals, and we gave them all the bottled water they could drink.
I had a lot of work to do when I joined the clean-up crew when the event finished, but it was well worth it. To have been able to play volleyball with a bunch of kids, and to have seen inmate fathers laughing with their sons and daughters, was a happy occasion.
Approximately 175 persons attended, including some of our "volunteer" ministers who regularly come into the facility to teach the Bible to us or to conduct worship services. For me, it felt as if I were in a public park as people sat on picnic tables and as children zigzagged around me.
This event was paid for by the inmates. We scrimp and save all year for it. Nothing comes out of the state’s treasury or from taxpayer dollars. Even the food is purchased by my congregation, and it’s prepared and cooked in the prison’s kitchen. The event is also supervised by my chaplain.
About twenty members of the Manhattan Grace Tabernacle Church from New York City attended our event, and we were able to worship with them. We also provided for their meals, and we gave them all the bottled water they could drink.
I had a lot of work to do when I joined the clean-up crew when the event finished, but it was well worth it. To have been able to play volleyball with a bunch of kids, and to have seen inmate fathers laughing with their sons and daughters, was a happy occasion.