Even though I am no longer working as an aide in the prison's "Intermediate Care Program"…
(ICP Unit) in the afternoons, I am still able to go into this special unit during most mornings, as I have to assist Phil, the man who is blind. I mentioned him in my journal entry for July 24, 2004.
On Saturdays, usually around 9 o'clock in the morning, I go into the ICP Unit to help Phil clean his cell. Now, another inmate, who happens to live in the ICP Unit, is also helping me with this.
At 10 o'clock the cells open, as they do every Saturday, for the inmates to go to the recreation yards, stay in the dayrooms to watch television, or a man could choose to stay inside his cell. Phil, however, loves to go to the big recreation yard to sit in the sun and smoke his cigarettes.
When I am done helping Phil, there is time for me to walk around the tiers to talk to the men while they remain in their cells. Today, before it was time for our recreation period to begin, I was able to spend about thirty minutes talking with a young man who was once in a gang. He's been very open to the Bible and with talking about Jesus Christ.
He told me about his experiences in a gang called the "God Bodies." Their philosophy, he said, is that the men are kings, and the women are queens. Their children are the "little seeds" that must populate the earth in order to increase this gang's membership. Now he is doing an eighteen-year sentence for the crimes of robbery and assault.
On Saturdays, usually around 9 o'clock in the morning, I go into the ICP Unit to help Phil clean his cell. Now, another inmate, who happens to live in the ICP Unit, is also helping me with this.
At 10 o'clock the cells open, as they do every Saturday, for the inmates to go to the recreation yards, stay in the dayrooms to watch television, or a man could choose to stay inside his cell. Phil, however, loves to go to the big recreation yard to sit in the sun and smoke his cigarettes.
When I am done helping Phil, there is time for me to walk around the tiers to talk to the men while they remain in their cells. Today, before it was time for our recreation period to begin, I was able to spend about thirty minutes talking with a young man who was once in a gang. He's been very open to the Bible and with talking about Jesus Christ.
He told me about his experiences in a gang called the "God Bodies." Their philosophy, he said, is that the men are kings, and the women are queens. Their children are the "little seeds" that must populate the earth in order to increase this gang's membership. Now he is doing an eighteen-year sentence for the crimes of robbery and assault.