This journal entry is something of a continuation of my entry for March 31st, "Coming Together"…
The men continue to bond together to fight our common enemy, the Coronavirus. It's a threat to all of us, and it is no respecter of persons. In fact, I continue to see it afflict the younger, more outwardly healthy-looking men, than the older ones.
The virus is all around me. I hear the medical alarm going off at least several times a day. Men, stricken with a burning fever and other symptoms, being rushed to the prison's Infirmary. In some cases, an ambulance has to be called in to transport the victim to an outside hospital. The virus has been hitting corrections officers, too.
So we're continuing to make a team effort, laying aside our supposed differences, to make sure we get through this lockdown without getting sick. Prison, by its design, is a germ factory. Dozens of men living in close proximity to each other. Convicts sitting alongside one another in the mess hall or sitting together in the day room, where the guys play cards, often for hours at a time.
Prison is truly an unhealthy environment where things, such as the flu and the common cold, run rampant. The accepted reality is that when one of us comes down with something, we all get it. This time, however, we're working at not allowing it to happen. The Coronavirus is a killer, and we don't want it here.
Meanwhile, I continue to use bleach whenever it's available, which is almost daily. I wear a cloth mask whenever I leave my cell, and I use hand sanitizer. I'm not the least bit afraid of this virus. The Lord, I'm certain, is continually watching over me. But as a responsible individual, it is wise to take precautions.
The virus is all around me. I hear the medical alarm going off at least several times a day. Men, stricken with a burning fever and other symptoms, being rushed to the prison's Infirmary. In some cases, an ambulance has to be called in to transport the victim to an outside hospital. The virus has been hitting corrections officers, too.
So we're continuing to make a team effort, laying aside our supposed differences, to make sure we get through this lockdown without getting sick. Prison, by its design, is a germ factory. Dozens of men living in close proximity to each other. Convicts sitting alongside one another in the mess hall or sitting together in the day room, where the guys play cards, often for hours at a time.
Prison is truly an unhealthy environment where things, such as the flu and the common cold, run rampant. The accepted reality is that when one of us comes down with something, we all get it. This time, however, we're working at not allowing it to happen. The Coronavirus is a killer, and we don't want it here.
Meanwhile, I continue to use bleach whenever it's available, which is almost daily. I wear a cloth mask whenever I leave my cell, and I use hand sanitizer. I'm not the least bit afraid of this virus. The Lord, I'm certain, is continually watching over me. But as a responsible individual, it is wise to take precautions.