Yesterday's move to a different cell was yet another reminder that change is both inevitable, and often inconvenient...
In this environment, change has become the new normal. While chapel services have been going well, I made some new friends, but also lost several good ones to recent transfers.
I've also gotten several more encouraging comments in recent weeks on the nine YouTube videos that this website has linked to. The interview is titled IN HIS OWN WORDS, and it can be viewed on this website by clicking MY LIFE STORY (found on the Home/Welcome page). In addition, now posted on this website, is a paper I submitted to a teacher and her students at a high school in Oswego, New York. I replied to their questions to help with preparations for a class project. I hope my simple answers will shed light on the subject of criminal behavior, as well as allow students to openly discuss the topics of faith and redemption.
I've also gotten several more encouraging comments in recent weeks on the nine YouTube videos that this website has linked to. The interview is titled IN HIS OWN WORDS, and it can be viewed on this website by clicking MY LIFE STORY (found on the Home/Welcome page). In addition, now posted on this website, is a paper I submitted to a teacher and her students at a high school in Oswego, New York. I replied to their questions to help with preparations for a class project. I hope my simple answers will shed light on the subject of criminal behavior, as well as allow students to openly discuss the topics of faith and redemption.