Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting
them to continue in the faith, and that through much
tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Acts 14:22
While the Christian's life should be a joyful one, it is not at all an easy one...
them to continue in the faith, and that through much
tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Acts 14:22
While the Christian's life should be a joyful one, it is not at all an easy one...
The Scriptures make this clear. The child of God, as he lives in a fallen world, will encounter much in the way of trials and tribulations. In modern English, we may refer to these as problems and challenges. Either way, it is through much pain that we will enter into the kingdom of God.
As I have learned, and as I have told many of my fellow Christians, our journey is often a painful one. And this is because we have to die to our fleshly and self-sufficient ways. Jesus has to put to death whatever is not like Him. This is part of the purging, shaping and molding process to remove what is dead and carnal so that the life of Christ can have its way and reign in each of us.
Such a death to self-combined with maturing as a living by faith Christian is a lifelong process that will not be completed until we're home in heaven. It's just the way it is. It is what Jesus has ordained for us. But it is all good because it is all from God. And knowing these truths and realizing that there will be pain and difficulties, and that everything is for a glorious purpose, helps to make a child of God's suffering bearable. My victory is indeed in Christ alone, and in this I have joy.
As I have learned, and as I have told many of my fellow Christians, our journey is often a painful one. And this is because we have to die to our fleshly and self-sufficient ways. Jesus has to put to death whatever is not like Him. This is part of the purging, shaping and molding process to remove what is dead and carnal so that the life of Christ can have its way and reign in each of us.
Such a death to self-combined with maturing as a living by faith Christian is a lifelong process that will not be completed until we're home in heaven. It's just the way it is. It is what Jesus has ordained for us. But it is all good because it is all from God. And knowing these truths and realizing that there will be pain and difficulties, and that everything is for a glorious purpose, helps to make a child of God's suffering bearable. My victory is indeed in Christ alone, and in this I have joy.