Within the past several days, two of the men at the prison's Intermediate Care Program lost their fathers through death...
Donald's father was sixty-five, and Larry's was eighty-three. Neither of them have seen their dads in a long time. For Larry, it has been many years. Donald's father would at least send his son a birthday card every year along with a small check as a gift. But Larry's dad seemed to have forgotten his son was still alive.
Donald's dad went first. When he told me the news, Donald was clearly sad, and he asked me to pray for him. I did. Larry, however, told me about his dad's passing only today. He also allowed me to pray for him. Then Larry and I talked for a while. Although schizophrenic, Larry took the time to show me a small collection of old family photos. He's already been in prison for twenty-five years.
It was good to be there for these men. One day, I'm afraid, someone's going to have to comfort me when my father dies. I will definitely need a shoulder to cry on when this happens.
Note: Donald's name is a pseudonym, while Larry's name is real.
Donald's dad went first. When he told me the news, Donald was clearly sad, and he asked me to pray for him. I did. Larry, however, told me about his dad's passing only today. He also allowed me to pray for him. Then Larry and I talked for a while. Although schizophrenic, Larry took the time to show me a small collection of old family photos. He's already been in prison for twenty-five years.
It was good to be there for these men. One day, I'm afraid, someone's going to have to comfort me when my father dies. I will definitely need a shoulder to cry on when this happens.
Note: Donald's name is a pseudonym, while Larry's name is real.