I suppose I should write something about today's Resurrection Day service...
I do not consider any day to be special. To me, every day has been made to rejoice in, and to give thanks to God.
Nevertheless, for the sake of church tradition and American custom, because today is popularly called Easter, I wish to report how the worship service went.
Even though I am behind prison walls and shut away from society, I know without a doubt that I have not been locked out of God's kingdom. For the Lord Jesus has chosen, as His own life exemplifies, to become a "Friend of sinners." He ate with my kind. He reached out to people like me who were lost, lonely, tormented, and enslaved by sin and Satan.
This morning we had communion. We celebrated the Lord's Supper. We also had more men in attendance than usual because, in prison as well as in society, there are many who come to church only twice per year: Easter and Christmas. Perhaps they're governed by tradition rather than on having a daily relationship with God?
Yet here we were, bound behind iron bars and concrete walls, yet the Holy Spirit was able to touch wounded hearts and heal broken lives.
My chaplain had many encouraging words to share with us. Then the minister guest preached a powerful sermon on having faith and hope in Christ.
Jesus has indeed arisen. He lives in my soul.
Nevertheless, for the sake of church tradition and American custom, because today is popularly called Easter, I wish to report how the worship service went.
Even though I am behind prison walls and shut away from society, I know without a doubt that I have not been locked out of God's kingdom. For the Lord Jesus has chosen, as His own life exemplifies, to become a "Friend of sinners." He ate with my kind. He reached out to people like me who were lost, lonely, tormented, and enslaved by sin and Satan.
This morning we had communion. We celebrated the Lord's Supper. We also had more men in attendance than usual because, in prison as well as in society, there are many who come to church only twice per year: Easter and Christmas. Perhaps they're governed by tradition rather than on having a daily relationship with God?
Yet here we were, bound behind iron bars and concrete walls, yet the Holy Spirit was able to touch wounded hearts and heal broken lives.
My chaplain had many encouraging words to share with us. Then the minister guest preached a powerful sermon on having faith and hope in Christ.
Jesus has indeed arisen. He lives in my soul.