For the past two days, and now again today, I have felt the need to write a few things about this current conflict; but from something of a Biblical perspective...
Even the Bible says there is a time and season for everything in our lives. There is a time to be born, and a time to die. There are times when we should speak, and times when we need to remain silent. Likewise, there is a time for peace, and there is a time for waging war (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).
I do not believe there is anything especially prophetic about this current war. Battles have been fought in this region of the world for thousands of years. I am sure there will be more wars to come that will cause blood to be spilled in Iraq's streets and deserts. Yet I have, because of this present war, developed a special interest in searching the Scriptures for what the Bible can tell me about this land. As I mentioned in my journal entries for the previous two days, this part of the world is exceedingly rich in Bible history. It will also play a major role in the fulfillment of yet future Bible prophesies concerning the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16).
In addition, in the Old Testament writings of Jeremiah the prophet, I have found chapters 50 and 51 absolutely fascinating in light of this present war. Although these chapters concern the region that, in Jeremiah's day, was the city of Babylon, amazingly these two chapters almost describe what is taking place today in the modern city of Baghdad. And many of the people of today's Iraq are the descendants of the Babylonians!
I do not believe there is anything especially prophetic about this current war. Battles have been fought in this region of the world for thousands of years. I am sure there will be more wars to come that will cause blood to be spilled in Iraq's streets and deserts. Yet I have, because of this present war, developed a special interest in searching the Scriptures for what the Bible can tell me about this land. As I mentioned in my journal entries for the previous two days, this part of the world is exceedingly rich in Bible history. It will also play a major role in the fulfillment of yet future Bible prophesies concerning the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16).
In addition, in the Old Testament writings of Jeremiah the prophet, I have found chapters 50 and 51 absolutely fascinating in light of this present war. Although these chapters concern the region that, in Jeremiah's day, was the city of Babylon, amazingly these two chapters almost describe what is taking place today in the modern city of Baghdad. And many of the people of today's Iraq are the descendants of the Babylonians!