Was Yeshua a Prophet Like Moses?
Devarim 18:15 tells us that the Messiah will be a prophet like Moses.
Both were "Among the brothers" of Israel - (were Jewish and from the tribe of Judah)
Both were shepherds (Moses tended sheep, Yeshua was the good Shepherd)
Both were sent to bring salvation after 400 years of inactivity from God (Israelites enslaved and silent years from God)
Both fasted for 40 days and nights (Moses - Mount Sinai, Yeshua in the desert)
Both spent time in Egypt as kids
Both born at a time when evil kings wanted Jewish baby boys dead
Both were called by Adonai to lead and save
Both did miracles to testify to their God and were given authority
Both instated a covenant of blood that brought salvation for many (Moses - Passover lamb blood on doorposts, Yeshua Lamb of God brought in the new covenant with his blood on the cross)
Both were given God's voice of approval, heard by the crowd (Mount Sinai and Yeshua after baptism)
Both gave up riches to lead a humble life of service and poverty (Moses from Egypt, Yeshua from Heaven)
(Bamidbar 12:3, Hebrews 11:26-27, Philippians 2)
Both were rejected by the Jews when salvation didn't seem it was going to happen (followers felt defeated when Yeshua was crucified)
Both were criticized by their own family (Bamidbar 12:1)
Both were willing to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of those they were leading, to pay for the sins of their people (Moses - Shemot 32)
Both provided the people with bread (manna from heaven, Yeshua bread for the crowd, twice)
People came to faith through both of them (in obedience to the blood and believing)
50 days after the exodus (exit) the Israelites waited upon God to receive the Torah. 50 days after the resurrection, the disciples waited to receive the Holy Spirit
Both of their faces shone with the glory of heaven
Moses chose 12 spies, Yeshua chose 12 disciples
Moses appointed 70 rulers over Israel, Yeshua sent out 70 disciples to share the gospel
Moses led people out of slavery, Yeshua came to set the captives free and atone for our sins (Yeshayahu 61:1; 53:5)