Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions according to your
steadfast love remember me, for the sake of your goodness, O Lord!
Psalm 25:7 ESV
I am very thankful that the God who created every living thing, is a loving Being who cares for all humanity...
steadfast love remember me, for the sake of your goodness, O Lord!
Psalm 25:7 ESV
I am very thankful that the God who created every living thing, is a loving Being who cares for all humanity...
His mercy and compassion is unlimited, and His justice is all encompassing as well.
The New Testament declares that "God is love" (1 John 4:16). While the most famous of all the Bible's verses, John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have the gift of eternal life."
I am, therefore, most grateful for God's mercy, because He has afforded me the opportunity to repent of my many sins, and to place my faith in His Son, Jesus. And by so doing, God Almighty has chosen to forget my sins and transgressions, and to remember them no more.
Unlike people, many of who like to throw my crimes back in my face, God has erased them from His memory. But He by no means condones or excuses them. As the Scriptures also teach, God hates sin, and there are consequences for the crimes one commits. Hence, my serving a life sentence in prison.
Nevertheless, the Lord has seen my tears and heard my cries of deep remorse. He knows my shame and sees the contriteness of my heart and has not turned me away. Instead, He has beckoned me to come to Him for forgiveness, and that is what I did more than thirty years ago. My life has not been the same since.
Now, several decades later, I am still walking in what the bible refers to as the "newness of life" (Romans 6:4). By placing my faith in Jesus and trusting Him to be my Savior and Messiah, I have thereby received God's forgiveness for my sins and crimes and have thereby made peace with my Maker.
Father God, as he looked down the corridors of time, saw and knew about all that went on, which ultimately caused me to take the destructive path that I did. He alone saw the forces and circumstances which converged together that would end up shaping my life. But that was in the past.
Thankfully, there exists a God who looks far beyond what mankind could see or know. He sees the end from the beginning. He sees the "Why?" to everything. He is truly a wonderful Being, and a loving God.
The New Testament declares that "God is love" (1 John 4:16). While the most famous of all the Bible's verses, John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have the gift of eternal life."
I am, therefore, most grateful for God's mercy, because He has afforded me the opportunity to repent of my many sins, and to place my faith in His Son, Jesus. And by so doing, God Almighty has chosen to forget my sins and transgressions, and to remember them no more.
Unlike people, many of who like to throw my crimes back in my face, God has erased them from His memory. But He by no means condones or excuses them. As the Scriptures also teach, God hates sin, and there are consequences for the crimes one commits. Hence, my serving a life sentence in prison.
Nevertheless, the Lord has seen my tears and heard my cries of deep remorse. He knows my shame and sees the contriteness of my heart and has not turned me away. Instead, He has beckoned me to come to Him for forgiveness, and that is what I did more than thirty years ago. My life has not been the same since.
Now, several decades later, I am still walking in what the bible refers to as the "newness of life" (Romans 6:4). By placing my faith in Jesus and trusting Him to be my Savior and Messiah, I have thereby received God's forgiveness for my sins and crimes and have thereby made peace with my Maker.
Father God, as he looked down the corridors of time, saw and knew about all that went on, which ultimately caused me to take the destructive path that I did. He alone saw the forces and circumstances which converged together that would end up shaping my life. But that was in the past.
Thankfully, there exists a God who looks far beyond what mankind could see or know. He sees the end from the beginning. He sees the "Why?" to everything. He is truly a wonderful Being, and a loving God.